Archive for January, 2010

Woohoo !!! A new sweet version of itim text app

January 14, 2010

homerThe team here at itimworld are very excited. Why? The lastest version of iTim Text lets you do some pretty amazing things.

First off, we fixed all the bugs of that the previous versions had and we added some very cool features. iTim Text remains the only app in the appstore that lets your friends send you mms messages, videos, animations and you can receive it even if you have iPod touch or an iPhone 2G.

So what’s New, allow me enlighten you:

  1. Does Not Split MMS attachments – so you can see an animation with sound
  2. Your friends can send you MMS by texting to your itim nickname at For example, my nickname is jjred, so my itim email is So you guys can send me MMS by texting to (enter this instead of a phone number).
  3. Faster sending and receive SMS and MMS
  4. IM between itim users (like Blackberry messaging BBM)

Best of all you can do this on your iPod Touch. So if you don’t have itim text app, click on this link to get it